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Text Storage and Retrieval/Hypertext

Publishers' Paradise Search & Retrieval

Data Conversions Specialists, Inc.

Publishers' Paradise is a powerful set of search and retrieval softwaretools and applications software for text and image information stored onCD-ROM. It consists of three sub-systems: Data Preparation, Storage andRetrieval, and Graphical User Interface.The Data Preparation sub-system assists users in marking-up text andimages using the SGML language. It also enables users to index forhypertext retrieval.The Storage and Retrieval sub-system is a powerful search engine using arelational database that enables views, merging of views, sorts, caching,inserts, and compression of information.The Graphical User Interface is user friendly, so users can access anddisplay information many ways.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: CD-ROM
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Data Conversions Specialists, Inc.
1017 S Boulder Rd Suite G
Louisville, CO 80027-0849
Phone: (303) 665-2030
Fax: (303) 665-8637